REF:NRB/KNUN/2/37/19 5th January 2016
TAKE NOTICE that the Kenya National Union of Nurses will conduct her National Elections beginning on 2nd March, 2016.
As per the powers conferred upon me by the Union Constitution and the Labour Relations Act 2007, and the Notice from the Registrar of Trade Unions, I hereby issue a Twenty One (21) days Notice that all eligible members of KNUN should apply for positions they wish to vie for and which applications should reach the undersigned on or before 25th February,2016 subject to the following Conditions:-
1. All Serving Officials need not apply as they will be deemed automatic candidates
2. All Serving Officials not willing to defend their current positions should write to the General Secretary to confirm that or otherwise.
3. If at the close of the notice of application deadline and no application will have been received the absence of application will serve as a vote to allow the current officials to serve in office for period of 5 years.
4. Kakamega and Kiambu Branch Elections shall go on as earlier scheduled.
5. Tana River and Muranga��a Branches shall not conduct Elections as
they have just conducted their Branch elections recently.
6. All applications should be accompanied by a non refundable fee of Kenya shillings Two Thousands (Ksh.2, 000) which should be made payable to:-
Cooperative Bank Limited.
Aga Khan Walk Branch
Account No.01120309515200
All application letters should be addressed to:
The Chairman
National Election Board
Uchumi House 14th Floor
P.O. Box 56900-00200
Yours Faithfully
Registrar of Trade Unions
The Chairman
National Election Board
P.O. Box 56900-00200
All Branch Secretaries.