1st East Africa Labour & Health Workforce Scientific Conference to be held at Mombasa Wild Waters on 18th – 19th September 2019.
The Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) was established in 2011 as a registered trade union in Kenya under the provisions of the Labour Relations Act No 14 of 2007 Laws of Kenya. It represents all cadres of nurses in Kenya drawn from practice settings, education and research institutions. We have branches in all the 47 counties across the country. KNUN has 49 branches and 4 sub-branches in the 47 counties spread across the country working with the government, mission, parastatals, corporate and private institutions.
The KNUN Foundation Limited is an arm of the Kenya National Union of Nurses mandated to actualize one of the core purposes of the Union “Empower”. KNUN Foundation Limited promotes equity and opportunity for nurses of all ages, using labour, research, philanthropy and policy solutions to make meaningful change. KNUN Foundation addresses issues affecting the economic well-being of the nurse with the goal of eliminating barriers nurses face in achieving long-term economic self-sufficiency.